Sunday, July 31, 2011

Cowgirl Musings

Things I have learned while traveling the US:

Most people are very nice.
Most people will give you the right directions - if they know them
Most people have a personal agenda - which can sometimes conflict (or not) with their level of nice
Most people will tell you their life story - whether you want to know it or not
Not all people are created equal, some are taller than others
Liquor stores in the West are way different than liquor stores in the East
The faster you go on the highway, the faster you get there.
The faster you go on the highway, the worse gas mileage you get, and the more tickets you get.
If you are doing business in the East get it in writing, if you are doing business in the West, get it with
      a handshake
Just because we use the same words, that does not mean that we are really meaning the same thing
Good people are good people, no matter the age, size, color of them
All motel rooms are not created equal
It should not snow in June, no matter where you are!
When in high altitude, always hydrate yourself - a lot
Diet coke does not hydrate, but sweet iced tea does
Rocks and dirt roads will wreak your tires - not to mention other truck parts
Some places think the 'bar' tequila is Quervo Gold - those are the places to drink!
No matter what the event, in the West is always starts with the National Anthem, and usually a
     prayer, too.  Some even add in the pledge a allegiance.

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